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Central Baptist Church
Robin Crump
101 West Lexington Ave
Winchester, Kentucky, 40391
United States
Box Lake Networks
Kevin Hale
400 Shoppers Dr
Winchester, Kentucky, 40391
United States
Tuesday, December 2, 2008. The last thing that we are signing up for is the Christmas Party on Wednesday, December 17. We will start telling everyone where it will be this Wednesday Decemeber 3. If you need a ride you will need to indicate that so we can plan on getting you to the party.
Is a great group of people whose Purpose Is. To Love God by Loving and Serving Each Other, Growing in Faith, and Engaging Our Community With the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 69 East Third Street, Winona, Minnesota. 2018 Community Bible Church 69 East Third Street, Winona, Minnesota 507.
在這裡, 我們向神揚聲讚美衷心祈禱, 注重真神敬拜. 篤信聖經, 不間斷地查考, 以扎根在神的話語裡. 懷有神國度的眼界, 從社區, 校園乃至全世界都有宣教的負擔. 團契聚會, 讓弟兄姐妹有健康的肢體生活, 彼此關懷扶助, 學習分享神的愛. Los Angeles, CA 90025. 蘇文峰牧師, March 18, 2018. 蕭旻奇傳道, March 11, 2018. 王文堂牧師, March 4, 2018.
, Woodbridge, VA 22193. I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord. Wed Nite Alive Youth service K-12th grade.